Sunday, 16 September 2018

What are some ugly truths of life?

Once Napoleon said “ when I die see that both my hands are kept outside my grabe, so that the whole world realizes that

“Napoleaon has conquered the world, but, left the world with empty hands.”

● Let every person understand the eternal truth that nothing comes with us.
● What ever we earn, it will not live with you, it will leave you.
● Whatever you give, whatever you contribute to the society, it won't leave you. It will live with you even after your death.

Some of the ugly truths of life:

Looks matter: People will always respect a fair skinned person compared to dark complexioned people.

Money matters: No matter how good you are by nature, people will always respect those who are rich or in Higher position in society irrespective of their nature/personality. Stop listening to people who say money doesn't give happiness. It does!!

Death is inevitable: We all know that death is certain and we all are going to die one day. So try to stay happy and content as far as possible.

In job, Manager=Godfather: It doesn't matter how technically good you are in the profession, but if your equation is not good with your immediate supervisor, forget about a good yearly raise just start looking for another job.

Grades/ Marks matter: It really does matter when coming to placements or going for CAT exam as most of the colleges do look for that part.

Poor people are always ignored: This really is a hard fact of life which again is a case of above mentioned 2nd point. No one listens to the poor people and they are just helpless. If possible, try to help them. Not necessary financially but atleast in some other way. It can be talking nicely to them that’ll make their day.

Your alma mater brand matters: In a job or arranged marriages or society, your alma mater matters to a great extent. Person from IIT/IIM would always be preferred compared to a person from another college.

Being Single sucks for lifetime: It is important to have a life partner with whom one can share their feelings and emotions after a certain stage. As per a medical research, “Being alone for a longer period is equivalent to litting 15 cigarettes per day.” So go and find out a suitable partner if not done yet!!!(Source: America’s Loneliest Workers, According to Research)

People always judge: No matter whatever decisions you take, there will be naysayers who always criticize or conflicts with your opinions. So better avoid such people.

Addiction of Smoking/Consumption of excessive Alcohol/Watching Porn is disastrous : Last but not the least, we should avoid excess if following any of the mentioned activities. Litting a cigarette may look cool but addiction to it will seriously screw up your body in future. Alcohol, if consumed once in a while it's completely alright but daily intake of it is again a serious health hazard. Watching porn excessively disturbs your mindset which may impact your relationship with the partner. Hence, A controlled activity is required in all the 3 cases.

Thanks for reading!!!

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