Sunday, 16 September 2018

Do intelligent people have voices in their head? Do the voices help or hurt the person?

Well, all intelligent people are seriously messed up in the head, but not all of them specifically have schizophrenia. :)

And, the voices can be (and for me are) both hurtful and helpful, but if the voices aren’t hurtful, medically it’s not Schizophrenia. Typically for me the hurt outweighs the help, but the facts are that it’s something to do, it’s interesting, and I’m pretty lonely. So I don’t take my medication.

Do intelligent people have voices in their head? Do the voices help or hurt the person?

There are a number of possible answers to your question depending on the person. First some definitions for this answer.

Hearing voices in your head is perceiving sounds without auditory stimulus.

Thoughts may be an idea or opinion produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind two ways with or without hearing voices.

Number 1: A person that never ever hears voices but has thoughts all the time. I am what is know as total aphantasia, meaning that I am totally unable to create any images, sounds, tastes, smells or touch within my mind. But, I am able to recognize real faces, therefore this information is stored somewhere, I just can not create an image of a face or any image.

Number 2: A person that never hears voices or has thoughts. Maybe some people in a coma are like this.

Number 3: A person hears voices that are their thoughts. Most people would fall into this category.

Number 4: A person hearing one or more voices arguing. Many people are able to do this.

Number 5: A person hearing a voice narrating their own actions. I may do this on occasion when I say “OK Ron what do you do next?”

Number 6: A person hearing voices or auditory hallucinations attributed to an external source, rather than internal, with a wide variety of DSM-5 diagnoses such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, psychosis, and many more.

Number 7: A person talking to themselves with voices or thoughts. I do this on occasion when I make a mistake, I will say “Ron why did you do that?”

Number 8: A person hears voices but does not have agency of the voices. Agency: The sense of agency, or sense of control, is the subjective awareness of initiating, executing, and controlling one's own volitional actions in the world. A brain damaged person, is surprised when his arm moves. He says I am not author of the arm movement. He has ownership of arm but has no sense of agency for the arm movement. They also may have no sense of agency of their own voice or thoughts.

To your question: “Do intelligent people have voices in their head?” Everyone has voices or thoughts at some time in their head and does not depend on their intelligence.

To your question: “Do the voices help or hurt the person?” It depends on the person. If you are one of the people diagnosed with a problem in the DSM-5, then it is a problem. If I did not have thoughts, I could not communicate with my subconscious, therefore it helps. If your voices or thoughts are overly negative all the time, then in the long run this is not very helpful.

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What is the difference between positivist, interpretive and critical research?

Positivist Sociology
The aim of positivist sociology is to understand social institutions by relying on known and observable facts. While this led to a more formal understanding of how societies function, little credence was given to the study of social mechanisms that could not be observed or proven through the collection of facts.

Interpretive Sociology
The goal of interpretive sociology is to understand the meaning behind actions in a social context through a consideration of a subject's unique point of view. As a result, the perceived facts that are inherent to the positivist observational method can take on an entirely new meaning from the perspectives of different individuals.

Critical Sociology
The aim of positivist sociology is to understand social institutions by relying on known and observable facts. While this led to a more formal understanding of how societies function, little credence was given to the study of social mechanisms that could not be observed or proven through the collection of facts.

I hope this is relatable ●_°

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What are some ugly truths of life?

Once Napoleon said “ when I die see that both my hands are kept outside my grabe, so that the whole world realizes that

“Napoleaon has conquered the world, but, left the world with empty hands.”

● Let every person understand the eternal truth that nothing comes with us.
● What ever we earn, it will not live with you, it will leave you.
● Whatever you give, whatever you contribute to the society, it won't leave you. It will live with you even after your death.

Some of the ugly truths of life:

Looks matter: People will always respect a fair skinned person compared to dark complexioned people.

Money matters: No matter how good you are by nature, people will always respect those who are rich or in Higher position in society irrespective of their nature/personality. Stop listening to people who say money doesn't give happiness. It does!!

Death is inevitable: We all know that death is certain and we all are going to die one day. So try to stay happy and content as far as possible.

In job, Manager=Godfather: It doesn't matter how technically good you are in the profession, but if your equation is not good with your immediate supervisor, forget about a good yearly raise just start looking for another job.

Grades/ Marks matter: It really does matter when coming to placements or going for CAT exam as most of the colleges do look for that part.

Poor people are always ignored: This really is a hard fact of life which again is a case of above mentioned 2nd point. No one listens to the poor people and they are just helpless. If possible, try to help them. Not necessary financially but atleast in some other way. It can be talking nicely to them that’ll make their day.

Your alma mater brand matters: In a job or arranged marriages or society, your alma mater matters to a great extent. Person from IIT/IIM would always be preferred compared to a person from another college.

Being Single sucks for lifetime: It is important to have a life partner with whom one can share their feelings and emotions after a certain stage. As per a medical research, “Being alone for a longer period is equivalent to litting 15 cigarettes per day.” So go and find out a suitable partner if not done yet!!!(Source: America’s Loneliest Workers, According to Research)

People always judge: No matter whatever decisions you take, there will be naysayers who always criticize or conflicts with your opinions. So better avoid such people.

Addiction of Smoking/Consumption of excessive Alcohol/Watching Porn is disastrous : Last but not the least, we should avoid excess if following any of the mentioned activities. Litting a cigarette may look cool but addiction to it will seriously screw up your body in future. Alcohol, if consumed once in a while it's completely alright but daily intake of it is again a serious health hazard. Watching porn excessively disturbs your mindset which may impact your relationship with the partner. Hence, A controlled activity is required in all the 3 cases.

Thanks for reading!!!

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What can I instantly know about a person when I first meet them, the way Sherlock Holmes does?


Dear Angie Joan,

If you want to enjoy the delectable art of observation and deduction, tune into the Netflix show Sherlock Holmes and listen carefully (he talks fast and mumbles) to what he sees as soon as he sees a person, or quickly thereafter.

Can you do anything similar?

Yes, it is possible, outside of a fertile fiction writer's mind, to see the world as Sherlock sees it, but it requires practice, study, and the unfettered use of every sense you possess: sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste ~ plus a trustworthy intuition.

Here is a trial run:

Walk down a fairly busy street, or push a cart round a supermarket, or stroll around a movie theater lobby, and look with intensity and concentration at the faces and bodies and garments of the people who come toward you. (You might wear some cool, dark sunglasses so others might not know you are staring.)

Make a mental or written list of what your senses tell you, and the implications of what you pick up from those signals. Choose a few of the most memorable passers-by and quickly (a minute or less) build a character with a history, and go on to the next person, until you just can't look so hard any longer.

You don't have to test for whether you get the story right or wrong; you will improve steadily and a lot simply by peering perspicaciously enough to make a story.

If you practice often, your thinking will grow faster and deeper while you look, and you'll become more analytical and intuitional about evaluating what you see ~ not in an instant (although smell has a lot to do with quick and powerful first impressions) but soon enough.

If you succeed in observing enough people closely enough you will expose yourself to some marvelously good and some very disturbing surprises. You will see and perhaps even diagnose sickness; you will see happiness of hundreds of sorts; faces and postures of despair will haunt your dreams; there will be bodies full of zestiness; smiles of hope; glimmers of  genius; the sureness of stupidity; the blood of anger; the grins of deceit; and  delusion, illusion, and delight, among other commonplace expressions.

The question becomes: Why do you desire "instant" tastes and touches of a personality? Why do you most significantly wish to know in such a hurry?

Would you rather not take a long and leisurely time to get to know someone in a more profound way?

Do you feel that your quick impressions give you the upper hand?

Hope this idea gives you some productively happy hours.

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What's the difference between love and Pyaar?

It seems no difference between Love and Pyaar when it is related to feelings. But some legends these catagory. Pyaar is a light weight term meaning love. On the other hand, ishq refers to eternal love. It refers to a deeper love than pyar. Mohabbat also implies divine love.

You can read this: "Pyaar", "Ishq" and "Mohabbat"

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How important is it to be happy to where you live in?

Happiness vary with people. Sometime happiness is sitting in the rolling chair and see rains from the windows. Sometime happiness is walking into the sun and sweating. Hapiness is that makes me excited, touches my heart and feel like I have wings to fly.

It is not definitivly happen always, you r happy where you live in. But we can make it happy to lead a peaceful life without any chaos. We love to love in silence and in dark. It is a perception which is varying from people to people how to be happy, but it is definitivly sure that if we belong from a happy place, it makes us confident on every way of life. But one thing it is very important that the people belong from life that they live in happily, are very much confidential.

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A letter to Y

To Y,

It was a late night 03:45
It was a lil bit dark when dogs start to bark..
I sat to write to you my dear
In Love it is beyond no fear
The big silver like MOON,
drench me with its awning soon.
Bebē, lost my words and verse,
I see you baby, spreading your arches.

Everthing is calm,
I spread my arm,
I start to talk to you bebe,
Telepethy, it is not heavy.
Come to my world close your eyes,
Promise there will be never any cries 😍😈

[ N.B. I start to write a letter my love my I cant do tht. I wrote a poem which mean my words and moeover my thoughts. May be I can't be yours bebê, it would luck what decided. But, now let me Love you bebê, lest there should I missed ]

DANA's Dairy
Page: 01- 34
Date: unknown
Year: undefined
C0-0perative || Sonata Arctica

How do introverts enjoy life?

It's not like all introverts can't enjoy life or all extroverts enjoy life. Life is a splendid path that happens when we plan and finish to do something. So it depends on person to person on how a person can enjoy his life. Life is like a Nintendo which is in our hands to control it either in a positive or negative manner.

Coming to the point, it's not like all introverts will enjoy life. Because as there is a saying that all fingers are not alike… In the same manner all people won't think in a similar way. This is the reason that even though introverts exist, they still try to make themselves to act unique and lead a marvellous life.

Introverts can be identified based on their mannerism. The definition of introverts itself states that they won't share anything or only share very few things with others. But still there are few ways to get to know about how introverts make their life interesting :-

1. Making Friendship

It's not like they will make friendship immediately. But they will have only a selected number of friends. With the others they can't have a proper chat even. Even though they have this disadvantage but in the same manner they can feel it advantageous. As most of the introverts like to hang themselves lonely a lot, so they don't need to spend a lot of time on their friends. They can be like easy moving…(according to their thinking).

2. Depending on technology

Technology has a lot of relation with the entertainment. Nothing can be boring for an introvert than this. They can live happily when those related gadgets (PC, mobile, TV, laptops and so on)are available. But it's not necessary that all of them enjoy their life in this fashion itself. So we have few more possibilities to know about the enjoyment of an introvert.

3. Fitness and meditation

Regular exercises, yoga, meditation etc. will lead to proper fitness and even the person can be free minded without any tensions, depression, anxiety and so on. This is the major step in which the introverts can have an interesting life. It is not only for introverts but it is also applicable to extroverts.

4. Long drives and outings

When a group of people do go and an introvert is also attached with them, then he won't be able to express his plans or ideas and he would feel like whatever he thinks is only always enjoyable but not what others say. This would make an introvert much uncomfortable at outings. But many of the introverts will find this lone travelling as a piece of adventure in their life. Basically long drives and outings would be much more fun if they are planned properly. Planning about a thing doesn't much matter for introverts because only lone traveller will have only a single idea and can stick upon to that.

5. Reading Books

Reading books is one of the good habits that every individual must inculcate irrespective of whether the person is an introvert or an extrovert. Practicing this activity not only increases knowledge but also increases a person's imagination to the core. So if the person is either an introvert or an extrovert, while reading books he would just feel like a companion near to them. This is a kind of activity where an introvert can actually spend most of the time without spending much money on enjoying his life. Most of the introverts find this as the ocean of enjoyment.

It is not necessary that all introverts enjoy life only in the above mentioned ways. They too may have a different plan in enjoying their life. Maximum number of them choose these ways. But for surefew introverts really enjoy their life sometimes much more than extroverts.

Hoping that the above information is useful for the readers and required clarity is given.

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How can you thank someone who commented on a picture?

Let me help you with few options:

• Hey thanks for liking/commenting
• Thanks, this encourages me to put more of alike stuff.. thank you
• Appreciate your comments
• You gotta good test.. thanks for having it.. put a winking eye


Well depending on the comments you may respond. If its a feel good comment say thank you , if not just ignore.

I usually don't prefer to engage with any negative emotions as people are mostly venting or my be they are just bots.

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What should I answer if someone says I am amazing?

If you are a complete antisocial person , who does not believe in human interaction , a simple nod would be justifiable.

In all other cases , a 'thank you' would be just fine :)

Below are some facts,
To flatter them - Hey thank you, you took long to recognize me ;-)
To show your kindness - Thank you, I am trying to follow you
Being a little naughty- I wish I could say “same to you”
Little dramatic to create some fun- Paper napkin be please, I can't hold my tears. You took so long to award me this compliment and hug her/him.. lol
Being simple- Just nodd with a smile and say “thank you”
If you want to in cash the moment by expressing your feelings to your crush - Thank you dear, so now you know me. By the way what do you want to say about yourself….now wait for a second to see what he/she gonna say.. stop him/her in between and say.. you are beautiful, I wish I can see you every morning.If you are still reading, let me ask you am I an amazing person?

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What are good & encouraging alternatives to "have a nice day"?

Cheerful morning and day!

Have an enjoyable day ahead!

Wishing you a pleasant day!

Have a fun-filled Friday!

Hope you have a pleasureable today!

Hope you have delightful moments today!

Wishing you the best of day -today !

Mark your day as a marvelous one!

May your day be Joyful!!

Have a blessed day !

Choose your day to be the best today!

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What are the most bizarre reasons for breaking up a relationship?

Hope you people love the answer below. She was writting about her breakup and approach to a discussion...

'Sapna'..... he said " what if I tell you to throw out of house, all idols of god or goddess you worship"

Back in 2013, I was nearly to get officially engaged with a guy working in some  MNC. He was employed at senior level position. We were in touch for a month, exchanged texts and did talk over phone for say a dozen of times. He was a nice person. Humorous, intelligent,  conversationally stimulating, etc etc. Bonus - he had inclination towards traveling too. Everything what I wanted. Exact fit to my desired frame.

I remember, he approached me through some XYZ matrimonial website. We began to talk with the agenda of marriage. His personality was incredibly awesome. He got  fresh perspective over every topic I brought into conversation. Well read he was.

Moreover, he was broad minded too. We discussed about my plans of further studies and my desire of traveling after wedding. He was cool with that. Every thing was perfectly fine. Until that day. He messaged to discuss something really urgent before we take our equation any further. In evening after office he called me up. Here is the dialogue:

He: Listen, this is important for us

Me: Yeah I am listening

He: Alright, tell me which God you worship mostly ?

Me: So this is important ?

He: Don't question. Tell me.

Me: All. No favorites.

He: So which god's idol you have in your house ?

Me: Many. There is a small wooden temple kinda home for them. All are placed in an unbiased pattern

He: What if I tell you to throw out of home, all idols of god or goddess you worship ?

Me: Throw what ?

He: Listen. Keep your calm. Understand this. After our wedding, you wont be able to worship at home the way you have been doing

Me: I will go out then. There are plenty of temples outside. I will manage

He: I am afraid. It's going to be different. You won't be allowed to.

me: Is that such a big problem ?

He: Yes !

Me: Okay neither I will do inside nor outside. Is that fine now ?

He: Not entirely

Me: Now what ? Should I stop breathing too ?

He: You will be supposed to worship our Guru Ji (Spiritual Teacher) instead. It would be a compulsion. Whatever guidelines he will suggest you, you will have to flow with it.

Me: Are you kidding me ?

He: That's about the values of my family. You are gonna part of it soon. Guru Ji got amazing vibes, he is so powerful. He has made me what I am today and he will take care of our future. Everything we have is all because of his blessings.

He: Moreover, he is gonna meet you and decide whether you are right bride for me or not.

Me: Well, I have a suggestion for you. Ask your Guru Ji to create a beautiful and submissive wife for you by using his powers. Bye and take care of your Guru Ji.

Since that day I altered my perspective towards people. I learnt that education and exposure can not prevent you from being conservative and orthodox.

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What are the biggest lessons you have learned in the corporate world?

Read few answers. Found them all wrong, so I am writing the answer. I don't mean to disrespect the other answers, but this world would have been a far better place had people known the difference between facts and views. All the other answers giving views. And I an just presenting the facts. You can blindly take these facts, but the views please take it with a pinch of salt.

Here are the few things, which you must know before starting your journey in ANY corporation, in ANY part of the world:

Corporation aren’t Startup. And for any corporation to end up like startup is failure. A startup wants to be corporation. Not the other way around.Corporations are well-oiled machinery which has survived the test of time. They have developed their work ethics, and work-culture at the very beginning. And have adapted it with changing times. For any corporation, survival in ever changing market conditions, is utmost important. Take this case study for reference: A firm called The Coca-Cola Company, which basically sells sugarated water, is still running for more than a century in every nook and corner of the world, while a country with deepest oil reserve, Iraq is in shambles. How do you explain it? Simple poor management.You are being paid well enough. If you think you are not being paid well enough, then check the market yourself. Give interviews and see what your competitor firm are offering you for your skill. For any skill wage rate are fixed, nevertheless which firm you join. If money is all what drives you, then please change your skill first. You can get the information on skill and their wage rate from Upwork. First earn that skill, and then start looking for the job in that skill.Never bitch about your firm. Or your Ex-firm. ‘Coz it is like shooting yourself in the foot. Every corporation shares its quarterly results. It is your firms report card. That result tells how your firm is performing. You directly affect the result by sharing your views on public platform. Your badmouthing simply affect the sales performance of your firm. And thus its quaterly result and eventually its share price value. Hence impacting your annual hike and bonus. Never badmouth your firm, at the end you will be only hurting your own hike, or your ex-colleagues hike.If you see something is wrong within the firm, instead of blabbering all over internet, please contact your corporate governance body. Every established firm has one. They are very matured and learned unit. Corporations take it very seriously. In fact your boss would have landed in the very job, only after their consent. Check your organization’s knowledge warehouse. Read and understand the bylaws of corporate governance, and abide by it.Apart from performing your job to its expectation, your job should always be to make sure your team grow. If you instead of trying to make your superior grow, you try to dethrone them, only to take their place. Then you are absolutely doing disservice to your firm. If your team doesn’t grow, that’s certain you will never grow. Those who sit at the top, they wouldn’t say a word, but they notice everything very closely. Then, don’t ask, why instead of being top performer, you didn’t get promoted. ‘Coz right there they had found you.You are being measured each and every moment. Whenever in conversation with senior executives of your firm. Be accurate in your conversation. Senior executives don’t talk much. They will give you all the freedom to act, and behave as much as you like. But mind you, they are noticing you very very closely. They observer things, and then act. It is a lie, if anyone tells you, that you have to market yourself to grow. Those who are sitting on top aren’t idiot. They reflect themselves as one. Because they are trained & conditioned to do so. It ensures anyone can reach out to them, via open-door-policy. But, their actions are always razor sharp. Never take your interactions with Senior executives lightly, nevertheless how cool they appear - they are basically trying to measure you.Before joining any firm, don’t ask for how much money they will offer. Check more for their work culture. Only a matured professional knows, money anyone will offer as per existing market rate. But work culture is unique to every firm. Rule of thumb, if your salary is already in 6-fig per month, dig more for work culture. Do they offer tele-work, or do they micromanage everything.

You can also consider these things below:
Reputation matters. This sounds very obvious, but many people make mistakes that taint their reputation within the company and sometimes even in the industry that they are working in. A poorly written social media post and email, or not thinking before speaking during meetings and interactions with colleagues can diminish your chances of getting promoted. Just think about how much Donal Trump affected the market with one tweet.
Your colleagues are not your friends. Just because you are playing on the same team, it doesn’t mean that you are now best friends. The corporate world gets competitive, and when higher titles and pay start to come into play, those around you can quickly become your worst enemies. It’s unfortunate, but true. See what happens to your best friend colleagues when you get promoted to be their manager.
You are not as valuable as you think. It boggles my mind when I see low performing employees complain about how they are not getting compensated enough. Based on my experience, it’s usually those with low EQ that say this. Perhaps it’s lack of self-awareness? Another side to this point is a personal story. I strive to be a high performer, and when I was younger, I would think “this company would fail without me.” HA! When I left, the company did perfectly fine. I found that I am easily replaceable in a big company.
High performers will get recognition, and those who display the best attitude will get promoted. People spend 40+ hours a week at work. Yes, if you perform at a high level, you will be compensated because you will affect the bottom line. However, if you have a crappy attitude while you do it, you will either get let go, or get stuck in the same position. Who wants to be led by a boss with a crappy attitude? But those with awesome attitudes are loved by their colleagues, bosses, and other members of the company. And if they are high performers AND they have an amazing attitude? Winner. This is why they say EQ is a good measurement of success.
Some people make their jobs harder than it really needs to be. I am not sure if it is the perception that corporate jobs have to be challenging or if some people just want to be buried in unnecessary busy work, but A LOT of people waste time doing unnecessary tasks. It’s unreal. All these meetings without a clear purpose and with the wrong invitees, just running with a task instead of thinking about how to complete it strategically in an efficient manner, or even simply not asking the question - “why do I have to do this and why are we doing it this way?” I am also guilty of doing these things at times. It’s silly once you become aware of them.

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What is the definition of mature love?

Love , a magical word now-a-days. (Don't know whether it exists or not)

Love at first sight often occurs. Love isn't having a long conversation. Love isn't going outing every week. It is something which you can't enjoy it to the core. But you can feel it to the core. Mature love is one which won't think about tomorrow's dating and won't think about how to escape from their parents. Instead they think about how they are going to convince their parents. They always think about the opportunities to clear the obstacles for their love. Mature love doesn't expect a 2 hrs 15 mins conversation. It requires only a 10 second conversation. Sometimes even a “HELLO” from the loved ones make the whole day.

Mature love doesn't require “how are you?” to find whether the loved one is fine or not. Just that hello can easily make us clear whether they are ok. Mature love blooms only when there is a good understanding between both of them. Mature love thinks about how to fulfill his/her loved one's dream to come true.

So..Mature love is one which should be like MOM's LOVE where one will never expect anything from you but her love on you is always infinite……

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The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) which is a unique numeric commercial that is actually use as a book identifier. Publishers purchase ISBN from an affiliate of this International ISBN Agency. 
An ISBN is that assigned to each edition and variation (except reprintings) of a book. For example, an e-book, a paperback and a hard cover edition of the same book would each have a different ISBN. The ISBN is 13 digits long if assigned on or after 1 January 2007, and 10 digits long if assigned before 2007. The method of assigning an ISBN which is nation-based and varies from country to country, often depending on how large the publishing industry is within a country. The initial ISBN configuration of recognition [clarification needed] was generated in 1967 based upon the 9-digit Standard Book Numbering ( SBN ) created in 1966. These 10-digit ISBN format was developed by this International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and was published in 1970 as international standard ISO 2108 (the SBN code can be converted to a ten digit ISBN by prefixing it with a zero). Privately published each books some appear without an ISBN. The International ISBN agency which sometimes assigns such books ISBNs on its own initiative. Another identifier, the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), identifies periodical publications such as magazines; and the International Standard Music Number (ISMN) that is covers for musical scores. The Standard Book Numbering (SBN) code that has a 9-digit commercial book identifier system which is created by Gordon Foster, Emeritus Professor of Statistics at Trinity College, Dublin, for that booksellers and stationers WHSmith and others in 1965. The ISBN configuration of recognition was generated in 1967 in the United Kingdom by David Whitaker (regarded as the "Father of the ISBN"[6]) and in 1968 in the United States by Emery Koltay (who later became director of the U.S. ISBN agency R.R. Bowker). An ISBN is assigned to each edition and variation (except reprintings) of a book. For example, an e-book, a paperback, and a hard cover edition of the same book would each have a different ISBN. An International Standard Book Number consists of parts (if it is a 10 digit ISBN) or 5 parts (for a 13 digit ISBN):

A 13-digit ISBN can be separated into its parts (prefix element, registration group, registration, publication and check digit), and when this is done it is customary to separate these parts with hyphens or spaces. Separating these parts (registration group, registration, publication and check digit) of a 10-digit ISBN is also done with either hyphens or spaces. Figuring out how to correctly separate a given ISBN is complicated, because most of this parts do not use a fixed number of digits. Only the term "ISBN" should be used; the terms "eISBN" and "e-ISBN" have historically been sources of confusion and should be avoided. If a book exists in one or more digital (e-book) formats, each of those formats must have its own ISBN. In other words, each of the three separate EPUB, Amazon Kindle, and PDF formats of a particular book will have its own specific ISBN. They should not share the ISBN of the paper version, and there is no generic "eISBN" which encompasses all these e-book formats for a title.